Sunday 19 October 2014

#readthon wrap up

I tried.

I knew having work wouldn't be a great thing for reading and then a huge headache hit me, so not optimal conditions.
I did read, though. But not as much as I would have hoped.
And mostly I read social media management literature for work. Finished two short ebooks on that topic and started "The New Community Rules". Probably around 200 pages for that.

Other than that I finished one book ("The Bees") and audio-read one Poe story ("The Black Cat") as well as read another one ("The Puloined Letter"). I also read about 50 pages in "Die neuen Frauen" this morning.

So, yay, not bad, considering.
Right now I'm in the mood for another readathon, though. ;)

Saturday 18 October 2014

Should I Dewey's Readathon or not...?

So... should I? Even try? It's not a free weekend for me. I have to work on Saturday, so I'd be missing the first six hours or so...

Then again, I might as well try.

Okay. I'll try.

Here's what I'll be reading:

Poe. Of course. I'm not on track with the daily tales and will try to catch up. There's a few short ones coming up, so I'm aiming for at least three tales on Saturday.

Either I've finished "The Bees" before the readathon starts, or I'll finish it first thing.

Then: I might be starting "The Circle". Just because it's right in front of me and it's such a pretty looking book. I'm really in love with the hardcovers lately. I might read a few pages in my Erika Fuchs book, or even start "The Handmaid's Tale" (well, re-start, I've read like 30 pages or so a week ago). And also: A book about women in Germany from 1890 to 1914, very interesting!

Saturday 11 October 2014

#fridayreads - Every other Friday still counts, right?!

Ooookay,... I'm still reading "The Bees". I really like it, I'm just not reading a lot these days and so it takes forever even to read a short book. But I'm really enjoying it.

I finished listening to "Our Mutual Friend" this week and have not yet really picked another audio book for my car. Partly because I'm trying to listen to some Poe tales on my MP3-Player to keep up to date with my (own) read-along.

But other than that I may be starting "Ready Player One" as my new commute audio book. Then again I'm kind of getting the feeling that "Neuromancer" is a kind of pretext for that one? So I feel like I should be reading that first. It's also on my TBR right in front of me.

I tried to read "We Three O", which has a very interesting premise, but then I really couldn't. The kindle version had too many typos or editing errors to make it easily readable and then the dialogue was really not... good. So I just stopped. Sad, because the story and idea sounded so promising... (a humankind with three sexes instead of two and also something about a disease...)

(... I need to stop with the "..." ... I probably won't, though...)

And on a non-fiction front I'm checking out some (mostly German) books on financial accounting... yep, that's happening. And the weird thing is, that it pleases me. FA gives me joy! (I'm also trying to follow a FA class on Coursera and enjoying that, too!)

In other news: I finally bought three single shelfs and hope to put them up soon so I can finally have some designated shelfs for MBR-books. That will be wonderful because then I don't have to keep them on my coffee table anymore (I need to have them in immediate reach!) and that means my poor books will have less coffee stains! So, yay!

Oh, and if you're reading this, also check out the Poe Read-Along!

Monday 6 October 2014

Starting now: The Poe Read-Along (Oktober, November, December)

I wanted to announce Poetober, but yeah, okay, that's not what we'll call it.
But I desperately need distraction in October (and November and December) and Edgar Allan Poe will do that.

I've been wanting to re-read Poe's short stories for ages and here's my - and your! - chance to do that.

I'll be reading this collection of Poe's work (this includes poems, too, but I'll just go for the tales for the time being):
Complete Tales and Poems

And as there are 73 stories in the first half of this collection (the second half is the poems), this Read-Along will start on October 6th and last for 73 days (i.e. end on December 17th).

Who's in? Just let me know in the comments or on Twitter (I'm @EdSpook). Everyone is welcome, the more the merrier!
Participation is not a strict thing, btw! If you feel like actually reading along all the stories with me, you're more than welcome! But if you only feel like discussion one or two stories, that's just as fine!
There's gonna be a goodreads group here: Poe Read-Along 2014
And the Twitter hashtag shall be #poeRA

If there are enough interested participants, I think a hangout would be fun, or some other live event. And whatever may come off it.

Happy Poe reading!